The weather has sadly taking its toll over the last couple of weeks and like many others, our fun ride was postponed due to heavy rain. A few days before, our ride was postponed to the following bank holiday Monday but was then cancelled as more heavy rain was forecasted throughout the week and on passing the entrance to the field we would have parked in, I completely understand why! It was very frustrating as we were really looking forward to it, but I wouldn’t have risked Autumn on the soggy grounds.

Horses in field

Instead of the fun ride, I put a jumping session in for us as I’m hoping to get Autumn out to a local venue due to her renewed keenness for jumping and decided in my great wisdom to include a plank as part of one of the jumps. Autumn seemed unphased by it and the first couple of jumps were lovely, then came the dodgy one! We jumped the first fence but landed on a bit of an angle – I felt something pop in my shoulder and immediate pain, but it was too late as we were two strides out from the next fence. Autumn decided to hesitate this time and my arm hit her neck where I heard a crunching sound, then she bounced over the fence with such power I had to use my arms to steady myself on landing as I was unbalanced from the pain – a few further squelches and crunches from my arm followed…eek! I had no idea what I had done but I was able to move it a few minutes later, so I sorted Autumn and rushed home for an ice pack. It’s taken over a week for it to become a dull ache but I’m finally back in the saddle. I keep thinking to myself maybe I should have just fallen off as it would have hurt less?! I’m not liking this getting older malarky as I’m not as injury free as previous years! On the plus side, apart from being overly playful on the ground, Bob has taken care of me when I was back in the saddle – no naughty behaviour and going slowing when asked. I think he has noticed me limping around the yard feeling sorry for myself (or so I hope) and my other half has decided to learn extra skills – even braving picking out the horses’ feet for me (including the evil ones) – that’s a win for definite!

Horse in stables

The horses have finally moved to one of the summer paddocks and even though the weather is frustrating – combined with the reseeding and muck spreading, it has caused the grass to shoot and we have lovely lush summer paddocks that have never looked so good, which made it so worth the effort last year. I am limiting them though and they only go into a section of it for half a day before being stabled at night, although this week we are trialling living out at night too (but they will go to one of the grazed winter paddocks overnight). Too much lush grass can be bad for them especially Bob as he seems to have no filter and will gorge until he bloats, and I’m just keeping an eye on Autumn as she is getting older and I don’t want her getting too much sugar from the grass. They will eventually move into the field full time but I prefer to do a gradual introduction, so they get used to it over the course of a week or two.

Man cleaning horse

The plants at the yard have also shot up and I’m in the process of trialling drying out some mint and cleavers for next winter as the horses get through bags of them, so thought it may be a cheaper alternative. Anybody else do this or know the best way to dry the plants out for storage? What other herbs/plants to you gather?


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