What a change in the weather. It’s happened quite quickly but I am relieved the horses finally live out full time - yippee! It’s meant I have a bit more time at the yard especially in the mornings, so I’ve taken this extra time to start fitting in morning rides and lunging sessions before work with the trio. I can’t say they are too impressed especially when I pull up after 5am and they are standing there yawning at me but at least we avoid the heat in the evenings.

Brown horse

I can’t believe I’m saying this after the never-ending winter, but the last few days I’ve been praying for a bit of rain! We got caught out in our week off thanks to the heavy showers, so the fields were too wet to do anything with, then as soon as we were back at work the sunshine came (typical!) and the fields dried out – great for the horses but not for us harrowing, muck spreading and reseeding. We had to get it done due to lack of time, so spent all weekend doing both winter paddocks – it was a mammoth task with just two of us doing it especially in the heat but it’s now complete.  We’re just hoping for a small bit of rain to help the seeds but can’t see any forecast soon! We have seen the benefit of last year’s hard work as both summer paddocks have amazing grass growth so even though it was exhausting, I’m glad we completed it. My cleaver and mint collecting is going well and I’m starting to be able to bag up the dried plants ready for next winter, hopefully I will collect enough to last me a good while!


I took Autumn out for a bit of jumping at a local venue as she’s been doing so well at home. She was great in the warmup and loved to jump, however on entering the main arena, we had an immediate shy as we were making our way round to the first fence. Back to earth and I got her over the first fence, then we had a couple of stops so I pulled her up and exited the arena despite being offered to jump a few more fences. It seems she was quite overwhelmed by it all in the main arena (and she hasn’t been at a proper jumping competition for almost four years), and I did have it pointed out to me that it could have been the pylons running overhead as we know she hated them previously at another showground. Either way I wasn’t pushing her and was just glad to have her out especially at 25 years old. I did have a lady come over and say how good she looked, and it was a shame it wasn’t her day though which was lovely. I’ll see how she continues to jump at home and may try one more outing to an indoor arena to see how she goes, but if it’s not for her then that’s absolutely fine as she has done her jumping stint.

Horse running

I do have the local riding club show coming up and its only up the road again as they relocated back to the original venue, so I am deciding which horse to take – Bob or Autumn for the veteran classes – I’m still undecided and as Bob now has a mane again either way I need to plait one up. My plaiting skills are dire - help! I suppose if there’s time I could always pop back and drop one horse off and swap for another for the fun classes in the afternoon – I’m sure Bob would love Handsomest Gelding!


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