10 top tips for grazing management

10 top tips for grazing management


Being turned out onto grass for natural grazing and some socialising with their equine friends is great for your horse’s physical and mental wellbeing. However, not all fields are the same and there can be vast differences between a well-maintained paddock and one that has been left to deteriorate.

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Paula's Blog - Give that vet a medal!

Paula's Blog - Give that vet a medal!


The evil one (aka Aria) has still been a bit poorly ☹ The antibiotics she was on didn’t really make too much difference in terms of her swollen glands, so another visit from the vet was arranged. This poor vet, he must have been shaking by the end of the call with the thought of coming back out to see her and take bloods again!

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Paula's Blog - Lets get ready to ride!

Paula's Blog - Lets get ready to ride!


It has begun!!!! The arena build started yesterday and I am soooooooooooo excited (and relieved)! I did squeal when the machines turned up on the Friday ready for the Monday start! The top soil and further layer have been taken off and the fencing is ready to be started!

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