The winds are coming!

The winds are coming!



Wow those howling winds were something last week!

I had sleepless nights as I had left the horses out (stables surrounded by huuuge trees) wondering how I'd find them the next morning and what capers they had got up to!

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Bob's Show Day

Bob's Show Day



Having expressed my excitement for a weekend of Show jumping in my last blog, it transpired that our show day didn’t start off in the best way!


Crazy winds - Do I take Bob or Autumn? Decisions!!

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Paula Anne Frazer - a little bit about me...

Paula Anne Frazer - a little bit about me...



I've introduced you to my rowdy rabble of ponies but everyone has that moment that a flick is switched inside you and you're suddenly and incomprehensibly drawn to the sweet smell of haylage and the insane desire to charge around a cross country course or even just the sensitivity that comes with owning a horse.


Whatever it was for you, here is my story...

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Fly Away!

Fly Away!



The summer is upon us.

But it isn’t all fun n’ frolics, there’s a lingering danger waiting in the wings, with their wings...


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